Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Dust

Well, I've been going strong since November 1st, decorating, fussing, mussing and getting all those pretty little knickknacks out! Santa's keeping an eye on US this year...feels similar to an audit, I would imagine.

Holly Hobbie is dressed in her holiday garb, out and about shopping in town....

Angels from the "realms of glory" are singing the praises of the season....

And visions of sugarplums are dancing in my head!

My question to you is, after all the time we spent glitzing, fluffing, shifting, stuffing and shaking....who invited the dust??    ;)

Wishing you a blessed season of fluffing, shifting, stuffing, shaking and reflection!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kim,
    the painting works are wonderful, because I am his follower for some time here and on facebook,
    No translator, I was sorry for not knowing what it says here, if you want to know some of my work visit me on my blog,thanks.


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